Monday, July 15, 2013

Blood Moon Tetrad coming

     A total lunar eclipse causes the moon to appear a reddish hue.  It is known as a blood moon because of the color.  There is a rare occurrence when four consecutive eclipses are total. It is called a Tetrad. In the last 500 years it has happened only 13 times  on Jewish feast days. Two of those happened during in 1949- 1950 during the Israeli War of Independence and in 1967-68 during the Six Days War.  April 15,  2014 and April 4, 2015  occur on Passovers, and Oct. 8, 2014 and Sept. 28, 2015 are on the Feasts of Tabernacles.

In the middle, a total solar eclipse will take place March 20, 2015.

Something major may happen in Israel  during this Tetrad cycle.  See Gen 1:14, acts 2:20, Rev. 6:12, 24:29 and Luke 21:25.

Signs in the sun, moon and stars!

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